
Discrimination Lawyers Near Me

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Discrimination Lawyers Near Me

Being discriminated against on the job is harmful, but it can also be difficult to detect. Too many employees fail to recognize that there are laws in place that protect them from discrimination and that doing so is worth the effort. If you’ve been discriminated against at work in relation to a wide range of factors, an experienced discrimination lawyer near you can help. 

Protected Classes

The State of California has robust laws in place that protect employees from discrimination based on all the following primary classes:

  • The employee’s age – for those who are at least 40
  • The employee’s sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender expression, or gender identity
  • The employee’s marital status
  • The employee’s race, skin color, ancestry, religion, or country of origin
  • The employee’s pregnancy or health in relation to either pregnancy or having given birth
  • The employee’s mental or physical disability
  • The employee’s health status in relation to specific conditions or genetic information
  • The employee’s military or veteran status

Are You Being Discriminated Against?

It can be difficult to point at the treatment you receive at work and identify it as discriminatory. In fact, many employees find that discrimination creeps up on them, which helps make discrimination claims that much more challenging. If any of the following sound familiar, you may be the victim of workplace discrimination:

  • You’re treated noticeably differently than other employees are.
  • Your employer has adopted a different attitude toward you now that they know you’re part of a protected class.
  • Your employer has changed your job responsibilities and workload for no discernable reason.
  • You are intentionally excluded from meetings and work events that are relevant to your job. 
  • While you are conscientious about maintaining your work performance, your job reviews have taken a turn for the worse. 

Filing Your Claim

If you believe you’re being discriminated against on the job, there are several preliminary steps you’ll need to address, which typically include filing a complaint with the Civil Rights Department (CRD). Bringing a successful discrimination claim is a complex legal endeavor, but having seasoned legal guidance backing you up can streamline the process – guiding you directly toward the right to sue notice you’ll need to file your discrimination lawsuit against your employer.

Once Your Lawsuit Is Filed

Once you’ve filed your discrimination lawsuit, which is also known as a complaint, your employer and any other defendants you name in the suit must be served with the legal papers. This sets the legal process in motion and affords them the opportunity to respond. From here, negotiations can begin, and if a mutually acceptable resolution is reached, the matter is settled. While most discrimination claims are settled out of court, some proceed to trial.  

Reach Out to an Experienced Discrimination Lawyer Near You for the Help You Need Today

The formidable California discrimination lawyers at Olivier & Schreiber P.C. are proud of their distinguished reputation for successfully guiding challenging discrimination claims like yours toward favorable outcomes. For more information about how we can also help you, please don’t wait to contact us today.


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